What is Mezcal?
Mezcal is a Mexican Spirit full of history and tradition, it is crafted from the heart (el corazon) of agave plants.
Agave plants are of great cultural importance in Mexico, their historial origin, according to ancient legends is that the God Quetzalcoatl mourned the death of his lover, the Goddess Mayahuel. Quetzalcoatl, buried her remains, from which the first Agave plants are believed to have grown.
The process of crafting Mezcal
First, the Agave plants must be grown to maturity, a process which can take anywhere from 6 to 20 years, depending on the species of Agave being used.
Next, the Agave plants are harvested and their leaves are cut off until only the heart of the plant remains.
Then, the hearts of the Agave plants are "cooked" for three days in special pits which are covered with the leaves (pencas) of the plant.
After the hearts are cooked they proceed to chop them up and set them in a fermentation process which can vary in time, depending on the desired result and specific fermentation process used.
Finally, the elixir goes through a distillation process using giant mud pots. Once this magical process is completed we get what we have been waiting for, Mezcal!
Where is Mezcal made?
Mezcal is traditionally crafted in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. A state rich in indigenous culture and traditions, it offers great insight into Mexico's origin.
To this day Oaxaca is home to sixteen different indigenous cultures, the two that stand out the most are the Mixtecas and the Zapotecas. The preservation of their cultures is attributed to Oaxaca's rugged terrain which isolated them from others.
Oaxaca is also a popular destination for travellers as it has many anciet ruins such as Monte Alban and Mitla, this, combined with its rich culture and amazing food offers a unique experience for those wanting to learn more about Mexico's cultural origins.
Mezcal Vs Tequila
All Tequilas are Mezcales, however not all Mezcales are Tequila.
Mezcal is crafted using any type of Agave plant with exception of the Agave Azul, which is by official Mexican law only to be used in the production of Tequila.
Mezcal, like Tequila must be produced in specific regions of Mexico for it to be legally called Mezcal
Traditionally Mezcal should be sipped neat, and one would look for a younger Mezcal with a stronger flavor in order to experience it at it best.
The production process for Mezcal is more artisanal, as the ancient methods that were used allowed it to develop a variety of flavors and textures
Mezcal is a work of art. It is full of tradition and history. Typically, one would sip Mezcal with his friends or family when they want to cure their grief and sorrows (curando penas).
Tequila is primarily produced in the State of Jalisco, while Mezcal is primarily made in Oaxaca.